Email: mihohiranouchi@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miho.hiranouchi
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mihohiranouchi
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2009年、渡米。ジャクソン・ポロック、ジョージア・オキーフ、マーク・ロスコらを輩出したThe Art Students League of New York、The National Academy of Museum and Schoolにて、抽象画、版画技法、彫刻を学ぶ。
2017年度には、The Art Students League of New Yorkでは2011年度、2012年度と抽象画部門に置いて優秀賞受賞。2017年度にPrintmaking(版画)部門にて最優秀賞を受賞する。
Artist Statement
Two of my great Passion in life are colors and Organic shapes and curves.Thought my colors I seek to the beauty of overlapping colors by layers, to the one and only unique organic shapes in the world.
This eventually progressed to my receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree in industrial, interior and craft design from Musashino Art University in Japan.Especially, learned Japanese traditional forging, metal molded and welding technique. I find pleasure and the joy of freely expressing curves in those forging process learning.
With the beauty of all the things that exist in the earth around me, especially flowers curves recaptured my passion for painting, watercolor, printmaking and sculpture. It is my goal as artist to encourage organic curves in the world and to express beauty and richness from no two organic curves are the same.
Colors and organic shapes bring me peace and offer me a place to meditate on the beauty in the world and grace I feel while living in it.
Miho Hiranouchi is an abstract impressionistic painter, printmaker and sculptor living in Brooklyn, New York since 2009 . She was born Tokyo, Japan. Since her childhood, She has loved all the things that exist in the Earth. She especially loves flowers. Energetic, electric, and full of feeling, Miho Hiranouchi’s work vibrates with a keen personal vision of nature. In canvases large and small, she maintains a playful spirit that belies the complexity of her sophisticated color harmonies. Impressively, she is able to achieve full formal control along with great expressive beauty and power.
2021 Metlife Jets Giants Stadium Mural Contest 1st Prize
2020 Botanical Exhibition Finalist for Art Room Gallery
2020 Honable Mention for Grey Cube Gallery
2019 Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital IFPM Banner Design
2019 The Red Dot Exhibition for The Art students League of New York
2013 Gail Von Der Lippe Scholarship for The Art Students league of New York
2010 Jean Gates The Art Students League of New York
Permanent Collection
2021 “Three Flags–Breathing Flags–“
” Flavor of Good Old America”
” Flavor of 80’s America”
/ WilliamsburgArt&Historical Center
2021 “Dinosaur–Yellow Dream–“
“Dinosaur–Red Dream–“
/ Williamsburg Art & Historical
2019 Piano Design and Painting / PS49 Music room Bronx ,NewYork
2018 ” Dream Of Dew” / NewYork Public Library,NewYork
Solo Exhibition
2018 “Colors” at George Comfort &Sons ,135 West 50street,NYC,New York
2019 “Miho Hiranouchi “at The Conference Board, 845 3rd Ave NYC,New York
Public Art
2019 2019 Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital IFPM Banner Design
2019 Sing For Hope Piano Design and paint
2020 Manhattan Music Exhibition wit Margin Alexander(Composer & Pianist)
*Society of American Graphic Artists
*Mushashino Art University Alumni U.S.A. Association
*Williamsburg Art & Historical salon member
*Japanese Artist Association of NewYork
*J-collabo Art Member
*L.I.C. Artist organization