004-01 Goddess of Jomon no.1: 32 x 24 x 3 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame. $5000 004-03 Flower of Life no.1: 12 x 12 x 1 in. Oil on Canvas with Cloth Frame, $2000 004-04 Wormhole no.1: 10 x 10 x 3/4 in. Oil on Canvas, $1200 004-05 Voice of Nature no.1: 27 x 32 x 1 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame, $6000 004-06 Fire Bird no.7 Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40 x 3/4 in. 2017-2018, $5000 004-07 Mystical Nature no.1: 41 x 47 x 2 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame, $7000 004-09 Myth of Life no.4: 18 x 14 x 3/4 in. Oil on Canvas, $2000 004-10 Goddess of Thailand: 45 x 33 x 2 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila and Cloth Rope Frame, $5000 004-11 Crystal Mystery no.1 Oil on Canvas, 35.5 x 25.5 x 3/4 in. 2019, $5000 004-13  Breathe of Life no.1  (命の息吹) Manila、 Hand-Dyed Cloth Rope Frame and Mixed-Media.   50 x 21.5 x 5 in.   2021.  $7000
004-01 Goddess of Jomon no.1: 32 x 24 x 3 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame. $5000
004-03 Flower of Life no.1: 12 x 12 x 1 in. Oil on Canvas with Cloth Frame, $2000
004-04 Wormhole no.1: 10 x 10 x 3/4 in. Oil on Canvas, $1200
004-05 Voice of Nature no.1: 27 x 32 x 1 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame, $6000
004-06 Fire Bird no.7 Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40 x 3/4 in. 2017-2018, $5000
004-07 Mystical Nature no.1: 41 x 47 x 2 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila Rope Frame, $7000
004-09 Myth of Life no.4: 18 x 14 x 3/4 in. Oil on Canvas, $2000
004-10 Goddess of Thailand: 45 x 33 x 2 in. Oil on Canvas with Manila and Cloth Rope Frame, $5000
004-11 Crystal Mystery no.1 Oil on Canvas, 35.5 x 25.5 x 3/4 in. 2019, $5000
004-13 Breathe of Life no.1 (命の息吹) Manila、 Hand-Dyed Cloth Rope Frame and Mixed-Media. 50 x 21.5 x 5 in. 2021. $7000

Atsuko Mu Yuma(遊真 あつこ)

E-mail: atsukoyuma@yahoo.com
FaceFook: https://www.facebook.com/atsuko.yuma

ニューヨークに住む縄文人 女の一生輪廻転生

北海道出身。1964年武蔵野美術短期大学芸能デザイン科卒業。1968年渡米。ニューヨークに在住して50年、油絵は独学で習得。創作舞踏家としてパフォーマンスを続けなたら絵画創作活動し、2003年ロウアーイーストサイドのIthea Galleryで初個展。生と死と愛と苦しみ、悲しみ そして喜び。偉大な宇宙の力と神秘をテーマに作品を描き続けてきた独特の色と世界観は遊真が持つバックグラウンドの日本を超えたアジアの神秘的な幽玄さで観る者を誘い込む。胎内からのやさしい母の歌声が聞こえてくるような不思議な世界(2018年1月1日付。週刊NY生活)。2018年1月にニューヨークのウォルター・ヴィッカイザー・ギャラリーで個展「FRUITION(結実)」開催。ニューヨークに住む縄文人生命体作家と自負し、魂の叫びを描き続ける。

Goddess of Jyoumon: 

  Japanese artist born in Hokkaido Japan. She has been living in New York for 50 years. Yuma graduated from Musashino Art College (degree in design) in Japan. Though she continued her education self-taught while in New York, she has been painting continuously for decades. People told to her that ” She married to art”.

 Yuma says: ” I create my works to celebrate my thought of gratitude,the mystery, wonder of life, love. That is my impulse of creation.”   For that reason most of her creations are based on the harmonic wave of love, 

great universal power and the deep mystery of life and death. She has been created many group and solo exhibitions throughout New York City and Shanghai and Japan.