
作・絵 三浦良一
The girl was just about to receive an award from the city
for her independent study assignment for school the other day
where she checked the accuracy of the parking meters,
so she had been invited to the award ceremony at the city hall.
The girl, who was taken to the mayor’s office,
felt nervous at first, but she built up the courage to say,
“Thank you for awarding me for my independent study assignment, Mr. Mayor.
I am very happy. But, would you please fix and use the old parking meters
if you can? And please use them gently after fixing them. My watch here
belonged to my grandmother. After fixing it,
I’ve been able to use it just fine, like so.”
When the mayor heard what she had to say, he was a little surprised
and at a loss for words at first, but suddenly his smile returned to his face
and he said, “If you fix it you can use it, you say? That’s right. That’s a great idea.
The city council meeting is about to start, so would you try to tell the council members
what you just told me? If it goes well, I can help you.”
(to be continued)