
作・絵 三浦良一
It was once again the girl’s birthday. Her grandmother said,
“I’m happy to see you’re still using my old watch. But it seems that the band is getting worn out, isn’t it? I’m going to give you a new band for your birthday. If you replace the old one, the watch will look brand new. Even if it’s old, if you fix it and use it gently, you can use it forever.”
Hearing the grandmother’s words, the watch responded, moving its hands energetically. “Even if it’s old, if you fix it and use it gently, you can use it forever.” These words spoken by her grandmother stayed with the girl for a long time.
As she looked at her grandmother’s watch, shiny and good as new,she thought to herself,”You know what, if we fix the parking meters’ clocks, I bet they will work like new, too.”
(to be continued)